Friday, April 16, 2010

THE fight

Jess: Side note- Wes just got a part-time position as a local pastor of two churches out in the farmland of New Jersey. We're super excited and get to move into a parsonage in mid-June!

So, we really love having "fights" over anything. Pretending to be mad at each other for no reason whatsoever keeps our relationship healthy. Lol. One of the fights that we have every time the subject of Lutheranism versus Methodism is the following:

Jess: You Methodists are just upset with Lutherans because you were too lazy to come up with an original idea and just copied ours (i.e. the Reformation).

Wes: I'll have you know, Jessica, that the Methodists came along and perfected what you Lutherans started.

Jess: Just because you believe in achieving perfection on earth doesn't mean that you've perfected the amazing work we've done. You're still just upset that nothing you do is interesting.

Wes: The sanctifying work of the Spirit is what allowed Wesley to perfect the protestant theology. You say simultaneously saint and sinner, I say "be holy as your heavenly Father is holy." Which one is biblical, hmm?

Jess: I'm pretty sure you have a shirt that says simultaneously saint and sinner. So either your logic is flawed or you are. Or maybe both.

Wes: Jess, you wouldn't let me buy that shirt. You said I had already spent my allowance,

Jess: Well, maybe you should get a job and stop mooching off of me. Stop being a freeloading Methodist and get some more of the REAL Protestant Ethic.

Wes: I am pursuing my vocation, just like Martin Luther told me to do. You see, we Methodists actually try to live out our Protestant theologies and beliefs, not just talk about them from the back pew of the church.

Jess: You're the only Methodist I've noticed who sits in the front pew, so I'm not sure you know what you're talking about. I live out my theology daily, while you sit in the back row of class and play on your IPhone. Who's doing a better service to their denomination, eh?

Wes: I would guess the one who is about to enter into ministry. But I guess I could be wrong...

Jess: Whatever, Wes...

(At some point, I "give up" and let him think that he's won. I'm going to choose here today, because he actually made a pretty good point. If I don't let him win, it could go on for hours, and I, for one, have things to get done around here. So the fight continues another day, and we continue on our happy journeys of knowing that our specific denominations are best.)


  1. you should all just realize you were already meant to be presbyterians. princeton does have a way of strangely warming hearts and opening others eyes to their justification...just sayin'

  2. you two are ridiculous :-)

    i'm starting to pray/think about the summer, and for me that means random weekly summmer bible study! last year i had a crazy group of young people from all different churches/colleges who just so happened to be in the area for summer. I led a manuscript study of James. it was killer!

    would you guys be in? :-)

  3. oh btw this is Jenna and highofseventyfive is my blog over at the wonderful world of wordpress
