Monday, May 16, 2011

The Top Ten Reasons You Shouldn't Get Married--REPOSTED DUE TO BLOGGER'S MISTAKES!

Jess and Wes: Just kidding. We decided it was about time for us to have a fun, sing-a-long blog. Well, you can try to sing-a-long, at least. We've been kind of heavy on the theology/difficult life situations aspect recently, so we're just going to write a list of the top ten things we've learned since getting married. Some will be funny, some will be true, some will be both funny and true.

So here's our marriage list:

1. Wes and I have VERY different ideas about what is "clean enough." We have worked out a good system, though: Wes makes a mess until I can't stand it, and then I move all of the piles of stuff into his office and close the door.
2. Sharing is caring--it's also much more difficult than it sounds. Wes and I have been sharing not only a house, responsibilities, movie choices, etc., but a car for almost a year and a half now. I think it's actually become easier as time goes on, but, more importantly, it's taught us about respecting the other person's time and needs. I'm excited that we'll be free of this occasional burden by the end of the month, but I'm actually going to miss the "forced" time together and recognizing that sometimes it's okay to get up and leave two hours early to share a 30 minute commute with your spouse.
3. Keeping an extra blanket at the foot of the bed is a necessity when your wife is a registered covers hog. Keeping a tight grip on your pillow throughout the night is a necessity when your husband has been known to steal said pillows and deposit them on the other side of the room while sleep walking.
4. "What's mine is yours" only applies to the man. "What's mine is mine AND what's yours is mine" is what women say. :-D
5. Being married doesn't change everything. Yes, we spend a ton of time together, share a home, etc., but that doesn't change the fact that we like to hold hands, joke around, and just act like we've only been dating for a couple of weeks. And that's awesome.
6. Money is lame. Sharing money doesn't make it any less lame.
7. Play fighting is fun, but you have to make sure that bystanders are not in listening or seeing distance (AKA repairmen, waiters, etc...). They might think that your threatening to stab your partner is in fact valid.
8. There is a limit to how much two-player Mario and Donkey Kong can be played before one or both of you end up throwing a controller across the room while saying very un-pastorly things.
9. Allowing your husband to tell houseguests that "naked Tuesday" is mandatory may make everyone uncomfortable...especially since "naked Tuesday" doesn't exist. Is there some machine that lets me know what he's thinking before he says it?
10. Marriage is better than we had expected. Yes, it takes work, but it is absolutely wonderful--a definite blessing from God.


  1. 2. How about the real difficult item. Beloved books. Two copies or do you share?
    4. Inappropriately broad gender stereotype based on limited experience.
    6. That is why God starts couples out with so little so that the stakes aren't quite as high. So they when the cash starts rolling in, you can handle it. We're still waiting by the way.
    9. That guy needs a filter!

  2. WHAT?

    Why isn't Naked Tuesday a thing? It should totally be a thing!

  3. RJ:
    2. Jess and I have a very different outlook when it comes to books. I'm from the mindset of "you can never have enough books." She's from the mindset of "there's a limit, Wes. Get rid of some of your books." So we share.
    4. The best part is that Jess wrote this one. It wasn't me. :)
    9. You should talk!

    Talk to Jess... She vetoed my initial proposal... :)

  4. The most shocking part of this post is that naked tuesday doesn't actually exist.

  5. Love it! Good to know I'm not the only one who wants tho chuck the Wii controller across the room sometimes :P I love you guys!!!
