Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lent, 2015 Edition

Jess: Lent is upon us. If you want to take two minutes to learn a little about Lent, here you go:

As the video states, fasting is a big part of what Lent is about. In the Roman Catholic Church, this means no meat on Fridays. In some traditions, it means literally fasting on certain days, in particular Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Many Christians have changed the meaning to fasting from something that holds an important place in their lives--chocolate, meat, swearing, judgment, etc. The point is to redirect our thoughts from those things that are not God. I have given up many things over Lent: junk food, TV, Facebook, etc. 

Increasingly, Wes and I have seen Lent as a way to establish good, faithful practices. During our marriage, we have...studied the Bible, gone through a marriage renewal book, established a Sabbath time, deliberately reduced our possessions, and refrained from spending money on non-essential items. Each of these practices was a recognition of how rich we are, how we are called to use our blessings to be a blessing to others, and to develop habits. Some of these habits have continued. There is still much work to be done, and we definitely have lapses. There are times when we find ourselves eating out several times a week; at this point, we reconsider what we are doing with what is God's. These practices remind us that we are stewards of everything God has given us. Nothing, not time, possessions, bodies, or even talents are ours--they are from God and are to be used for God's work. 

This year, I will be doing a combined Lenten discipline for the purpose of better using the time with which God has entrusted me. First, I will not be on Facebook until after James goes to sleep at night, if at all. I see Facebook as a great tool that has the potential to take over our lives. There is so much good that can come with interacting with others on social media--I have given and received advice, recipes, challenges, news, and much more. I want to hone in on that, rather than entertain myself with reading about other peoples' lives. 

Second, I will be consciously reinstating our Sabbath day on Saturday. This means no phones, no internet, and no homework. I won't be cleaning the house or doing laundry. Rather, I will focus on renewing my heart, mind, and soul and on being truly present with my family. The practice of Sabbath has been greatly beneficial to our lives. When I forget to practice Sabbath, I forget that six days is enough time in which to complete my work, and I start to convince myself that I need more and more time for work and less and less time for rest. 

Wes: Lent is a great time of prayer, study, and introspection. It is a reminder that from dust we came to dust we shall return. When used properly, it should work to refocus your life on Christ each year through intentional practices that may even continue after the season is over. 

This year, I am working to be more aware of how God has blessed my life with so many wonderful people. I am going to try to be more vocally grateful for this in general. As for a specific practice, I have decided to show my appreciation and gratefulness to God by writing a letter a day to different people from my past and present who have helped to make me the person that I am. There are many more than 40 of these people, so I am certain that some will be left out (so don’t get mad when you don’t get one). My hope in all of this, though, is to become a more outwardly-thankful person and to improve at telling people how much they mean to me and how my life is different because of them. 

I don’t have the greatest track record of keeping to my Lenten disciplines, but I’ll strive to stay on top of this one. For my sake, and for the sake of a God who has called me to engage all of creation with a thankful heart. 

So what are your plans for this Lenten season?

Thursday, February 5, 2015

2014 Year-End Review

2014 was a year filled with activity in the Cain household. We started off the year with a bang, celebrating with friends and then going off to celebrate our anniversary. In late January, Jess’ dad had surgery, so the whole family traveled up to the frozen tundra of Michigan. James and Jess spent two weeks helping to take care of Papa while he recovered. Although it was freezing the entire time and Papa had some struggles, we mostly had a good time. Jess hasn’t spent that much time with her dad in a row since I was in high school and lived with him. It was great to have a chance to be with him, and we have promised ourselves that we will visit more often. Plus, James loves Papa because Papa spoils his grandson.

During the rest of the late winter/early spring, we fell back into our regular routines. Momma and Daddy worked Monday-Thursday as well as Sunday. We all went to TLC for church on Saturdays, which was a nice time to have as a family. Jess’ internship progressed well and moved into the second half of that year. James got to spend the days with his Uncle Corbin, who lived with us through the beginning of May. It was really great to have child care in our home, and there are times when we wish we would have the funds to do that in the future. We could schedule the days/times we actually needed care. See, two pastors don’t have two 9-5 schedules, much less two matching schedules. It was nice to have someone who could be there at 8 some days, 10 others, and in the evenings on still others. James loved Uncle Corbin and getting to stay at home.

The spring got hectic quickly as Easter approached. We each had multiple services each week, and Holy Week was so busy that we had to have Jess’ mom come out and help us. No one complained about extra time with Grandma/grandson, though! Between the two of us, we had 10 services from Thursday night through Sunday morning. Five were on Easter itself. On top of the craziness of the week, Wes’ church was struck by lightening on the Monday of Holy Week. We’re certainly looking forward to the chance to not do that this year, and hopefully deal with a little less electric fallout!

As the rush of Easter faded away, we moved on to the summer activities. Jess headed up a retreat at TLC for the young families It was such a success that they are planning a second one this year that will be bigger and better! Both churches had VBS, and Jess attended Confirmation and elementary camp. Wes went to Annual Conference, a giant church meeting that happens every June, and Jess attended Synod Assembly, the same thing in the ELCA. James started a new day care with a lovely woman named Diana. It was not as convenient as having a live-in nanny but James loved Miss Diana, too!

Then, in July, our college friends were dealt a pretty painful blow. Our friend (and former nanny) Corbin committed suicide; we have a wonderful group of close-knit friends from college. When we gather (like at New Years’ Eve), we have at least 15 people every time, and we consider all of these very close friends. They’re the first ones to find out about important life events like engagements, new jobs, babies, etc. We have been together through a lot of ups and downs for the last eight years. Losing one of our own was extremely hard. Even six months later, we are still reeling—and honestly the group will never be the same without Corbin’s wit and pop culture knowledge. He was a wonderful man and will be dearly missed.

As we moved back into “normal” life, the summer began to wind down. Jess finished her internship with great joy and great sadness. Although she is still glad to be home with James each day, working at TLC was wonderful. Her internship was a great asset to her future in ministry and has honestly made her spoiled in terms of working on a staff! Wes finished his first year of residence in ministry in July, and is plugging right along toward ordination. James was overjoyed to get to spend every day with Momma, although he still points out Miss Diana’s house when we drive by.

The last few months of the year were packed with activity, as well. Wes’ church is going full-steam ahead, Jess completed her second-to-last-semester of seminary, and James turned two! Although his newfound independence, rapid growth, and vast intelligence can all be challenging at times, he is a sweet-hearted boy. He is sympathetic to those around him, whether people or animals. He knows all his letters, can count almost to ten, knows how to break through any toddler-protection device and LOVES TRUCKS AND TRAINS! We are constantly amazed and overjoyed to be his parents.

The fall also brought some tough times. Jess’ great-uncle was diagnosed with prostate cancer (making the cancer count 2 in less than a year for Jess’ family) and will be undergoing surgery in February. We discovered Jess was pregnant in October, only to find out that she had miscarried a few weeks later. We were devastated and will lament the loss of this precious baby. There was a lot of travel and James’ patience got stretched a few times.

Overall, the Cains had an interesting year. It has been one of the most challenging for all of us, and perhaps the most difficult in some ways since our marriage. Yet through it we have also become a closer-knit family. We have cheered for Wes as he has passed milestones in his ministry and worked to become healthier. We have celebrated with Jess as she was approved for ordination and moves closer to finishing school. We have jumped for joy with James as he has learned to walk, talk, and be an ever more independent person. Life will continue to throw curveballs at us, but we know that through faith and with each other, we can persevere and thrive. What a wonderful time to be the Cains!