Thursday, July 22, 2010

Life, unexplained

Jess: So, in some big news in the Wesica life, I put in my two weeks' notice on Monday. There have been quite a few problems at work for me, and I haven't been having a lot of fun anymore. For something that's not my career nor my calling, it just doesn't seem worth the pain and stress of staying there. I also feel a strong desire to spend Sundays with Wes. Besides all of the church-time stuff, there's potlucks and meetings and other stuff, and I really need my day of rest! It would be nice to actually have a day each week to devote to God and our family. Of course, that makes me want to not work Saturday nights so that I'm fresh and ready for church early in the morning. Anyone who knows anything about working in retail means that it's not possible to not work half of Saturday and all of Sunday each week and stay in management.

After the events of the last several months, Wes and I spent most of the last couple of weeks looking over our finances, figuring out where we could get health insurance, praying, thinking, talking, calling friends and family, etc. After lots and lots of prayer, we finally agreed that Starbucks is no longer a workplace that nurtures me, and we can do just fine without it.

So here I sit, hoping to get a job somehow somewhere. For the moment, I'm looking for nanny jobs. I've already had a couple of interviews, and I have at least one more lined up this week. I'm also going back to babysitting part-time for the family I worked for this last spring. With a little more praying and some good luck, I'll be working full-time taking care of somebody else's children. Not only is that something I love, it'll remind me that I have no desire to have kids right now...which I think will make Wes very happy.

Wes: Good morning America! So Jess wrote her piece and then skedaddled, leaving me to write unhindered and uninterrupted. Which is good, because I want to spend my blogging time telling y'all how amazing and supportive my wife has been.

I've known for a long time that a life of ministry would have its difficulties and rough patches, and I've know that our brand of ministry especially will be challenging due to the whole both of us working in the ministry biz. But I never thought that I would go into my first appointment with someone so supportive and encouraging! Jess has taken a great deal of ownership in this church and the ministry, and every time I hear her say something about how "we should do this" or "what do you think about us doing this at the church," I am reminded that I married someone who is just as on fire for God and ministry as I am, and I am a very lucky man because of it.

People ask me how I am planning on working this job while going to school full-time. It never once crossed my mind that it would be a challenge, and it still doesn't, because I know that I have a wife who is supporting not only me, but the ministry that God has called us to do. She is the reason that I know that I can do this job and flourish at it, and she is a blessing from God, and I am extremely thankful for her. I can't wait to be able to return the support to her when she takes her first call to full-time ministry. I just hope that I'm able to be the love, support, and encouragement that she needs and that she has been for me.

Well, that's all for now! Y'all come back now, ya hear?!

-wes and jess