Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Versatile Blogger

Jess: Wes and I have been tagged by Lisa Ramsey as a "Versatile Blog." Thanks so much, Lisa, for forcing us to actually write two blogs in one week! Now we have a few things we have to do:

- Thank the person who gave you the award- check!

- Share 7 things about yourself.

- Pass the award to up to 10 versatile bloggers.

- Let those bloggers know that you gave them the award.

Wes and I are each going to share 7 things about ourselves, and then we'll reveal the wonderful people who have the pleasure of writing an extra blog this week.

My seven things:

1. I love to do crosswords, but rarely finish them after Wednesday. I still try my best, but I'm pretty good at giving up and hoping Monday comes around again quickly.

2. Reading has always been one of my passions, but ever since I started my senior year of high school, I haven't gotten to do as much "fun" reading. I used to read at least an hour every day, and my mom would literally have to pick me up and put me outside during the summer. Instead of playing, though, I just sat outside and read. I'm not really sure that was her goal.

3. Before I started working at Starbucks a few years ago, I hated coffee. I thought the smell was okay, but I never touched the stuff. Now I know more random facts about coffee than anyone should ever know, I can taste every subtle hint of flavor in a cup of coffee, and I drink it on a regular basis- and not the "girlie" stuff. Plain coffee with a little cream and sugar.

4. I love milk, but anything other than nonfat makes me want to gag. I can handle a little half and half or whole milk in my coffee or tea, but I can't stand drinking anything but skim. I blame my mom.

5. I used to be a disaster. My room was so messy at one point during my childhood that my parents stopped coming in to tuck me in at night. After this drove them crazy enough, they promised to get me a new computer game if I could keep my part of the house cleaned for a month. It took me a couple of months, but I finally got my Ducktales floppy disk--which I still claim is the greatest game I ever got. Now, I'm borderline obsessive about keeping things clean. Wes will agree.

6. I wanted to be a teacher for most of my life, until I decided I wanted to make more money than that. Then I considered being a lawyer, and even did my ninth grade career project on becoming a lawyer. Finally, I discerned God's call for my life and realized I am supposed to be a pastor...I'm sure I'll make more money than a teacher that way. Lol.

7. If I hadn't discerned God's call on my life, I would have done something with childcare for the rest of my life. I may have started a day care, or worked my way up through one until I was in charge--something along those lines. I love kids and love seeing them grow and develop, and I'm still trying to figure out how that fits with God's plan, or how God wants me to use my childcare gifts as a pastor. We'll see!

Wes: So... Seven things about me:

1. Eric Matthews is one of my idols. If I could be just like him, I would be a very happy man. That is how much Boy Meets World has impacted my life.

2. I have walked on my toes my entire life. I do not know why I do this or how I started, but usually if anyone asks, I lie to them and tell them that I had to be pulled out of the womb feet first, which messed up my Achille's Tendon. This is why it looks like I am bouncing when I walk.

3. And speaking of bouncing, when I get really excited or agitated, this is exactly what I do. If I'm standing, my entire body will bounce up and down. If I'm sitting down, my legs will bounce up and down.

4. My first vehicle was a truck, and honestly, I cannot stop coveting any and every truck that I see on the road, from brand new, steroid enhanced super trucks to old, beat up chevys. Jess won't let me have one, though...

5. My favorite meal is a tie between steak and mashed potatoes, and chicken fetuccini alfredo.

6. I used to teach a SAT/ACT math prep course when I was a junior and senior in high school. This is funny because I absolutely hate math, even if I am fairly competent at it.

7. I've been baptized twice, the second time because I didn't know that I had been baptized already and my parents didn't tell me. I've been told by three different pastors--two who were the pastors of churches I attended--that I was going to hell because of this.

Jess and Wes: Ok. The people who have now do this:

1. Corbin Stephenson

2. Brent Philips

3. Kevin Baker

Well, that's all for now! You stay classy, World Wide Web!

-Jess and Wes

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